Let me begin by truly speaking to the vision that God has given us about Activate LA. We didn’t choose those terms loosely or randomly; we thought that «activate» was a cool term or what have you, but we have come to a place of understanding where we know that there is something in you—oh, hallelujah! We recognize that there is something in you; there’s something in the believer. Yet, that thing that is in you must be activated. I’m reminded of what Paul told Timothy: Paul said you have to stir up the gift of God that is on the inside of you. Paul was affirming Timothy in the fact that there was something in there. What we want to do is stir up, manifest, and bring to the forefront that which is within you. Does anybody believe that there’s something in you right now? I’m not just talking to talk; there is something in you, or you wouldn’t be here. The very thing that is in you is the thing that drew you here—something that is bigger than your thoughts, bigger than your mind, and bigger than your consciousness brought you here because it wants to be activated. There is a hunger and a thirst on the inside of you that is dying to be fed. Are you tracking with me? I’m speaking to that hunger; I’m speaking to that greatness because it’s down in there. The whole purpose of Activate LA is to activate that thing that is in you because just because it is in you doesn’t mean it will come forth easily. There is something in you! Just tell somebody, «There is something in you.» There’s something in you that has to be activated, and sometimes it even has to be reactivated. Are you tracking with me? It has to be activated and reactivated. This is a peculiar passage of Scripture. Let me give you some of the backdrop. First of all, Paul is talking to the Church at Corinth, and one of the things we know about the Church of Corinth is that they were very gifted. They were very talented, but they were also shallow spiritually. It’s important; we have to understand who he’s talking to. He’s addressing a body of believers that were excited, talented, and operated in the gifts of the Spirit. They were speaking in tongues, but they weren’t speaking in tongues to edify people; they were speaking in tongues to show off how anointed they were. It was a church that was not necessarily about the kingdom; it was more about them. They had come from a Greek background, which often involved a mentality of «Look at me; worship me; pay attention to me.» That mentality had seeped into their spirituality. Paul had to tell them, in one of the first epistles, «I recognize that there are gifts and talents. You have a lot of potential, but you are still very fleshy. You are still carnal. Your spirituality is more about 'me, me, me' than it is about God. What can you do through me?» Are you tracking with me? And so Paul is getting ready to shift gears with them; he’s about to take them to another level. He’s preparing to help them understand what this whole thing is all about. How many of us know that this walk with God is not about «God, you bless me,» but it is about «God, will you please use me to be a blessing?» I want to make a difference in this earth; I want to make a difference in this life, and I recognize that if I commit to being a blessing, I will never fall short of having a blessing. Are you tracking with me? Do I have some non-carnal people in God’s house right now? Your whole pursuit of God is not about «God, give me a husband,» or «God, give me money,» or «God, give me a match.» It’s about «God, give me purpose; give me calling; give me anointing. I want to be something on this earth. When I leave this earth, I want it to be different because I was here.» Are you tracking with me? If that’s not you, you’re going to be greatly disappointed because I’m telling you right now—God is handing out mantles; He is handing out anointings; He is handing out favor, promotions, and grace—but He’s not giving it to selfish people. He’s giving it to those who will say, «Here am I; use me for Your glory, not mine.» Are you tracking with me? I feel the Holy Spirit. It’s nothing for God to make you a billionaire, but will you lay it all down at His feet and say, «Jesus, here I am; use every bit of me for Your glory»? You see, moments like this in the spirit and in the kingdom separate the men from the boys, the girls from the women. This is a divine moment, and I didn’t come here to tickle your fancy. I didn’t come here for your itch of ears; I came to set a fire on the inside of you that will never die in any season. Are you hearing what I’m saying? I’m telling you how this thing works. Jesus is not playing in this season. He didn’t come here to play; He’s looking for some real people who will lay it all down.
Touré Roberts - Stir it Up
18-03-2025, 19:00, Touré Roberts
Rick Renner - How to Stir Up the Gift of God
22-01-2025, 02:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - How to Stir Up the Gift of God Continued
22-01-2025, 02:30, Rick Renner
Jeff Schreve - A Lion on the Loose
10-01-2025, 08:00, Jeff Schreve
Touré Roberts - I AM
15-03-2025, 06:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - All We Do is Win
12-03-2025, 04:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Don't Trust the Rules
13-03-2025, 13:00, Touré Roberts
Rick Renner - Stir Up the Gift of God Inside You
23-01-2025, 14:00, Rick Renner
Touré Roberts - Don't Miss
13-03-2025, 11:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - The Year of Becoming
20-03-2025, 18:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - From Believing to Knowing
13-03-2025, 20:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - The Difference that Faith Makes
24-03-2025, 06:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Mirrors
16-03-2025, 17:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Marriage, What You Were Never Told
16-03-2025, 12:00, Touré Roberts
Joel Osteen - Activate the Flow
28-08-2023, 19:37, Joel Osteen
Touré Roberts - The Keys to Healing, Freedom, and Miracles
24-03-2025, 10:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - The Gift - Part 1
19-03-2025, 16:00, Touré Roberts
Robert Jeffress - The Priceless Value Of A Clear Conscience